Sunday, November 22, 2009

Barbados Reviewing Electronic Vehicle Registration Tagging System in Bermuda

Three day mission

Remarks by: The Hon. Elvin James, JP, MP, Acting Minister of Tourism and Transport, Bermuda

Good afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen, On behalf of the Government and the people of Bermuda, I would like to welcome the delegation from Barbados to Bermuda.

In July of 2008 Bermuda became the first country in the world to implement countrywide deployment of the Electronic Vehicle Registration Tagging System, or EVR as it is better known, to address the non-compliant motor vehicles operating on Bermuda’s roads. Electronic Vehicle Registration System or EVR is a system using RFID technology to track vehicles that are unlicensed for use on Bermuda’s roads. Since July 2008, TCD has been contacted by a number of jurisdictions who are considering this new technology to assist them in a like manner. 

TCD has been working with the Barbados team for the past few months in lead up to this trip.  Technical Officers are excited to be of assistance.  Barbados, like Bermuda has to contend with unlicensed vehicles and their team is on island to review what

we have undertaken so that they might determine its merits for implementation in their country. During their visit, the team will review the consultative and legislative process that was undertaken in Bermuda.  Further, to enhance the experience and to give more insight into the system, the vendors for the EVR system are also on island to lend their support and to answer any additional questions the Barbados team may have.

Over the next three days the Barbados team will be meeting with the draftsman in our Attorney-General’s Chambers, the Police, the courts and the technical personnel at TCD.

Representing Barbados here today is:
1.    Mr. Frank Thornhill (Chief Technical Officer) 
2.    Mr Winston Coppin (Principal Crown Counsel) 
3.    Mr Virgil Knight (Chief Licensing Officer) 
4.    Mr Tevor Clement (Director of Transport) 
5.    Mr Oral Williams (Assistant Commissioner of Police) 
6.    Mr Wilberne Persaud (Title unknown)  
7.    Mr Kalade Nurse (Government Accountant) 

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