Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas Messages - Grenada


Prime Season’s Greetings to the people of the Nation, especially the people of the Sister Isles of Carriacou and Petite Martinique.

As we go into the celebrations of this Christmas season, I want us to take some time and reflect on the true meaning of Christmas, which is the birth of our Saviour, Jesus Christ.

We must be mindful of the many blessings that we have received individually and as a Nation and we in turn must return that message of peace and love on earth to our family, friends and neighbours, thus expressing the true meaning of Christmas.

In these trying economic times, it is imperative that we try and re-kindle the community spirit we once had where we were each other’s keeper, sharing whatever we had with each other and bringing the joy of the yuletide season to all.

As we celebrate this Christmas, we must do so in moderation taking into account the global economic crisis. We must not get carried away with the over indulgence of eating, drinking and feting that takes place around this time of the year. Remember we still have our bills to pay and our nation to build.

This Administration is sensitive to the present economic situation and is working assiduously to create an atmosphere where all citizens can be more financially secure. To realize this however, we need to make the necessary sacrifice to ride-out this tough times remembering always that, "Tough times don’t last, but tough people do." We want to also assure you that “people can live with a tough today if they believe a terrific tomorrow is coming,” and this terrific tomorrow is what we are aspiring to achieve.

I want to extend special season greetings to the sick of the nation to whom Christmas brings a sweet ray of comfort and hope; to those who are suffering in spirit or in their hearts because of the uncertainties of the future, or of economic hardships. I pray that you find comfort and hope at this time of the year. And, to the little children, the aged and to all the people of this dear land of ours.

I hope that this Christmas message will encourage and sustain you now and in the coming year.
I wish you all a very Happy Christmas."

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