Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas Messages - Grenada

Leader of the Opposition

Dr. the Rt. Honorable Keith Mitchell

Keith Mitchell Fellow citizens of Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique, I am delighted and honored to address you again in my capacity as Leader of Her Majesty’s Opposition. I am indeed happy for this opportunity to reflect on the past and to look towards the future.

Brothers and sisters, 2009 can no doubt be described as one of the most challenging years for most Grenadians as we tried to find means and ways to cope with the economic challenges we face as a nation and as individuals.

These challenges were exacerbated by the global economic crisis but were initiated by the actions and sometimes the lack of action by the Government.

The decisions to decrease the salaries of road workers; deny thousands of regular road workers an opportunity to find work in the programme; to send home thousands of IMANI trainees and other temporary workers; to remove safety net programmes for the poor and vulnerable; and to remove thousands of elderly citizens from the public assistance list have caused significant pain and hardship to many Grenadians during the last year.

The Government’s continued attack on investors, its inability to attract new investment opportunities, its attack on members of the NNP and other ordinary Grenadians, its exorbitant spending in areas such as traveling; the decision to provide free books to persons who openly confess that they don’t need it, and the lack of decisive leadership in the Government have only helped to make the situation even worse.

It is against this background I greet you my fellow brothers and sisters in this special Christmas Season. The challenges we face are many but I challenge you to look towards the New Year with hope as we are comforted by the words of the Holy Bible in Psalms 46 verses 1 “God is our refuge and strength an ever present help in trouble’. So we look towards God for his continued mercies and grace in our present situation.

As we celebrate this very special time of year, let us truly be reminded of the birth of Christ, and may these thoughts encourage our hearts to share the little that we may have this Christmas. Let us look out for the needs of the less fortunate among us and may we be led to go out of the way to put a smile on their faces. While we may not have lovely gifts to give, may we be reminded that the best gift that we can give to anyone this Christmas is the gift of our love, which money cannot buy.

I therefore take this opportunity on behalf of my entire family and the rest of the opposition team to wish all Grenadians at home, and abroad, a Holy Christmas and a Bright and Prosperous New Year. May the love and peace of God be with you during this season and may it sustain you in the coming year.

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