Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Two US hikers released


Two US men given an eight-year jail term by Iran for spying have been released on bail, reports say.

Shane Bauer and Josh Fattal are believed to have left Evin prison and media reports say they have been flown out of the country.

The pair was arrested in 2009 after crossing into Iran from Iraq, where they said they were hiking, and were sentenced in September this year.

Iran's judiciary reportedly set each bail at five billion rials ($500,000).

The two men, both 29, left the prison compound just minutes after their Iranian attorney, Masoud Shafiei, said he had finished the paperwork for their release, obtaining the signatures of two judges on a bail-for-freedom deal.

He told AFP news agency the bail funds had been provided by the state of Oman, a US Gulf ally which has good relations with Iran.

The pair are believed to have been part of a convoy of Iranian, Swiss and Omani cars which left the prison shortly afterwards.


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