Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Woman's ex-boyfriend invited men to her home for sex and 'rape fantasies'


The 30-year-old created false profiles on dating and sex websites to invite more than 100 men for sex sessions they believed they had arranged with her.

Robert Hodgkinson, prosecuting, told the court: ‘One of those men had been led to believe that she wanted to be “raped” and when he arrived, in accordance with instructions he’d been given, he hit her in the face and grabbed her.’

Hussain was jailed for two years nine months after he admitted two charges of harassment at Warwick crown court.

Judge Paul Farrer QC told him: ‘You carried out a campaign of humiliation and terror.’

The court heard Hussain met his victim on an internet dating website in October 2009. They had a brief relationship that she ended weeks later when he posted sexy pictures of her on Facebook.

Hussain plagued her with 500 abusive emails and texts including a message that read: ‘I’m going to have fun now. Wait and see – you’ll get knocks on your door.’

Hussain also made a hoax call to the police three days before Christmas last year, claiming his victim was running a drug factory from her home.

He then rang the RSPCA to claim the woman’s young daughter was mistreating her pet.

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