Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Florida Basketball Player Shannon Washington Dead From Knife Wound

Shannon Washington

Shannon Washington, a basketball player for Florida A&M died on Sunday morning after suffering a knife wound to her neck, the announcement of her death was made by school officials.

Tallashassee Police were the first on the scene after a phone call was made to emergency dispatch.

Washington was found in her apartment and officers treated her until EMS arrived. Washington made it to Tallahassee Memorial Hospital and passed away a short time later.

Police detained Starquineshia Palmer, 20, charging her with first-degree murder.

Florida A&M president James H. Ammons said in a statement:

“Our hearts and prayers go out to Shannon’s family and members of the Lady Rattlers Basketball Team.” He added, “For Shannon to be killed in the prime of her life is tragic and senseless. She had so much promise as a student athlete. This is a great loss for the university and our athletic program.”

Washington was expected to become an integral part of the Florida program after transferring from Illinois Valley Community College where she was named an all-American during two season of play.

Florida A&M coach LeDawn Gibson also gave her condolences, stating:

“It is truly a trying situation to lose a student-athlete that has come to us to further her education and excel at her sport,” and “As a coach, this is the kind of incident you just hope you never have to deal with — the death of one of your players at such a young age.”

This isn’t Starquineshia Palmer first run in with the law. She has been arrested several times in Florida for probation violations.  We  have a few more details about the murder.

It appears that Starquineshia and Shannon got into an early morning fight.  The fight escalated from verbal to physical.  Starquineshia grabbed a kitchen knife and that is when she stabbed Shannon. She was arrested shortly thereafter.


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